
The cost of a manufacturing failure is high. MINX isn't!

Could an easy to implement solution for preventive maintenance or process monitoring save you money?

Say hello to the MINX Sensor System!

  • 5 Built-in sensors
  • 10min install with POE
  • Software included
  • Charts on any web browser
  • Email/text alerts

ExpressSense introduces the MINX sensor system, a plug-and-play sensor solution, featuring five built in sensors, delivering automatically-generated charts as a web page, viewable from any network connected device. User configured triggers enable email or text alerts to inform user when specific conditions are detected, or MINX can control another device or machine. MINX can be installed and setup in as little as 30 minutes.

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How can I use MINX?

  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Process Control
  • Condition Monitoring
  • Automation
  • Reduce Human Error

Prove to me MINX is so easy to use...

Watch a MINX be installed in 4minutes!

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